
We ensure high quality with thorough quality control.

We conduct all plating solution analysis in-house. We have various analytical instruments such as atomic absorption spectrometers and inductively coupled plasma emission spectroscopic analyzers. We analyze more than 1,000 items each month and aim to improve quality every day.


Analysis of plating solution by titration

Analysis of plating solution by titration

Capillary electrophoresis analyzer

Capillary electrophoresis analyzer

Inductively coupled plasma analyzer

Inductively coupled plasma analyzer

We welcome factory tours.
Please come visit us to see our mass production facility and discuss your specific needs.

If you are a technical or sales person who has a problem with plating and surface treatment,
please feel free to contact us.
We will find solutions to your challenges with our extensive experience and know-how.

Contact Us

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For urgent matters, please contact us by phone.

0265-78-2510(内線番号2) 0265-78-2510

For written inquiries

We will reply immediately upon review of your inquiry.
Please fill in the required items in the form below and click the "Confirmation" button.